
Thank you Hatton

Dear Hatton

I am writting to thank you all for letting us all come to visit.

I really enjoyed playing in the ball pool and making my Christmas crown.
thank you.


Jas enjoyed going on the mini bus and loved jumping in the ball pool.

Kiritheka enjoyed playing in the ball pool and drinking strawberry juice.

Haseeb enjoyed playing whith the shaving foam putting it on his hands and all over his face. It was great fun! Thank you very much.

Anzalna enjoyed singing and playing in the ball pit.
Iman enjoyed playing in the ball pit and liked singing if you are happy and you know it. Thank you for taking us there.

Thank you for taking us there in your mini bus because it was really fun. The best thing I liked was playing in the ball pit and the bubbles in the classroom.

Thank you Hatton school for letting us go into the classroom and playing with the bubbles, the cars and some pasta.


Icing Christmas biscuits

Yesterday we linked up with Hatton School once more.Today we would follow the lead on how to ice biscuits for Christmas time.Hatton were very organised and sent us patterns that they would be using with the children. This was very much appreciated as we had had a technical issue with calling up on the Vc equipment.Hatton children choose the first pattern that we were to follow. Our children listened carefully so that they could match the correct icing colour.

They then very carefully iced onto their biscuits.We designed four different patterns, and enjoyed eating them very much.The children concetrated very hard whilst they were icing, checking with the help sheets and listening carefully to the instructions that were being given from Hatton School.We would like to thank all the children and staff from Hatton school for making it such a great expierence of sharing one anothers knowledge and skills.Gearies children and staff have enjoyed all of the activities that they took part in and hope that in the new year that we may continue to share together once again.


Making a fruit salad together.

Today children from Gearies and Hatton schools, shared instructions on how to make a fruit salad.The children from Gearies welcomed Hatton with our hello song.We then asked Hatton's children if they could find and match the fruit that we were showing into the camera.

All the children responded very quickly and were eager to start making the fruit salad.
Once the children had finished matching all the fruits. The adults were asked to peal and core the apples and pears.
Tianna and Jas counted out 5 grapes each and put them into the bowl. Then we peeled two bananas and cut them into small slices. The children from Hatton were watching and following.
The children from Hatton were very good at cutting their fruits. This really helped some of our children to prepare the fruit to be put into the bowl.

All the children were excellent at listening to instructions and were very knee to take part in the making of our fruit salad.

I like to thank all the staff involved in this link up. A big thank you to Ben our video man for operating the camera and keeping us all focused and also a big thank you to Miss Finch for taking all the lovely photographs for us to be able to share our experience with others.

We hope Hatton enjoyed making and eating the fruit salad as much as we all did!

Looking forward to next week when Hatton children help us to ice some lovely biscuits.